After Pastor Tom got exposed as a Stolen Valor imposter, he had to step away from his budding mega-church in Texas. Glory and Praise headquarters arranged a sabbatical to preach in Africa’s largest city and oversee a small girls’ outreach school in central Nigeria. The plan was for him to return to the United States after his embellishment about his military service faded from the media. During his first month in Lagos, the church got robbed, and his apartment almost burned down.
These events were nothing compared to his first trip to the school in Zangam Village, where three of the school girls were slaughtered by Boko Haram militants for just wanting to get an education past sixth grade. Tom set a new goal to return to the USA to teach fundamental Christian theology at the university level ASAP. His progressive Bible knowledge was popular in Texas.
Since Africa had almost equal Muslims to Christians, Tom would need to adapt his preaching to appeal to a more diverse congregation in Lagos, Nigeria. Tom took note of the incorrect Decalogue Plaques on the vacant church’s front wall. They were the version that had one of the commandments removed and replaced. Back home, Tom often preached about how Catholic’s only practiced nine Commandments when his wife wasn’t in attendance.
Son Source was a catchy business name and lined up with Zach Slenski’s mission to save the planet. After Sunlyndra a solar panel company in Oregon bilked the federal government out of 500 million dollars American’s had a bad taste for solar energy.
Zach was about to put the green deal back on track with his new quad solar panels but needed venture capital. He’d spent almost five years and all his family savings on research and development. Just getting a meeting with an investment group for an upstart solar company was next to impossible.
Mr. Philip Rubin and seven members of his WWO group fully understood that good clean renewable energy would be a threat to OPEC’s oil exports. A blackmail plan was put in place that could give Zach, Sally and their two children enough money to do most anything and repay their college fund.
Two men, living over a thousand miles apart are complete opposites. Kenneth Saxton, an unemployed logger during the Spotted Owl logging standoff puts a long gun to his head at the families' cabin near Zigzag, Oregon after his unemployment checks cease.
Richard Johnson, an assembly line manager for Trask Trailers in Long Beach, California is fired for secretly meeting with a company auditor. From the twelfth story of a hotel balcony Richard discerns jumping to end it all.
Two things that Richard and Kenneth have in common: excessive drinking and they both lost sons. Jabbar died from a drive by shooting in LA and Billy to a climbing accident on Mt. Hood. Strong men need self worth and are always easy targets of the dark purple haze…
FOOTNOTE: Y2K came so close. Bitcoin is next. . .
David and Paul childhood friends all through high school part ways for more than twenty years. Both served in Vietnam, Paul as a foot soldier and David stationed out of harm’s way as an electronic technician. Their lives take up again when Paul, now a priest flies out to Colorado to confront David with some life-threatening news. It seems that not even prayer can help Paul find the forgiveness he is seeking. But, it is David that is in harm’s way, ever since he unlawfully obtained a Clipper Chip decoder box. The little black box contained the MYK78T integrated circuit (IC), the National Security Agency secretly developed to ease drop and unscrambled encrypted messages over telephone lines, just before the end of the Cold War in 1991.
FOOTNOTE: The US government claims to have declassified the Skipjack algorithm used in the chip set for the Chipper Chip Decoder box. If that were true, why then do hackers still use an 80-bit key and a symmetric cipher algorithm when they ransom computers? Don’t believe everything the government claims to be true. . .